Friday, June 18, 2010

Hello all, again it's been a while, guess I'm not so good at this blog stuff. Anyways I recently got the new Warhammer book a little before release date and have a few comments. The game is definetely going to move faster, although the mechanics of the game are basically unchanged, Move, magic, shoot and combat there are significant changes in each of these elements. You can always premeasure for movement, shooting, magic and warmachines. Charges are more random, 2D6 plus move inches so unless your very close almost within your move rate it's easy to fail a charge. Magic phase has changed a bit, you now roll 2D6 for the Winds of Magic and every wizard can roll to try and get a 6 which adds a dice to the pool max 12. Dispell dice are the total of the highest dice rolled for the winds plus each wizard can try to add one on a roll of 6 as well. Casting is 1-6 dice and add the level of the wizard. Casting values in the Lores are much higher now. If a wizard rolls two natural 6's the spell is cast with irresitable force so go off no matter what but then the player must roll on the Miscast table and suffer the damage.
Shooting is the same except you can always shoot in two ranks and premeasure.
Combat is strictly iniative based and you can get support attacks from the second rank. All ranks are 5 wide except monsterous creatures who are 3 wide. If you have double the width, a horde, you can get support from the third rank.
There are some more changes and I'll update.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just a few images of more figs I have been working on recently. Haven't played many games though, a little quiet in that department but tonight we will be getting together again.